Thursday, August 13, 2009


day 19.

I miss telebears. To register for classes at the University of Ghana, you must first look through the course catalog. All classes with odd numbers are offered in Fall (they say). Then you have to have passport photos taken because you have to submit one (they say) to each department you would like to take a class in. Next you have to walk around to each department to see which classes are actually offered. Due to lack of professors, many are canceled. Once you see which classes are offered you have to register with the department, even though the days and times when the classes are offered is not available yet. To register with a department you need to fill out a minimum of one form, maximum of eight, and turn in a passport photo. Sounds easy enough, however, the forms that you need to fill out are often located in two or more places that must be seeked out. My botany registration experience: went there at 1:15, they were still on lunch, came back at two, told to go to chemistry department to get another form, went to chemistry filled out a form to get the form, filled out that form brought it back to botany, filled out six more forms which required 3 passport photos, told to come back in one hour to bring a form back to the chemistry department, came back in one hour 15 minutes and they were closed. More to look forward to tomorrow.

On other notes: It rained again today, but the rain here is never more than a drizzle (at least that is all we have experienced) and it happens periodically throughout the day. I washed some of my clothes for the first time today. It was actually really fun, but I don't know if the clothes will ever dry in this weather. Today I tried to upload photos but with such a slow internet connection I think it might take all day. I am starting to feel at home here in a lot of ways but I also never really knew what homesickness was until I got here.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should offer to teach a cancelled class or two.
